Today I want to talk about the most read, most opened and most engaging email you will write to your subscribers.
Your “Welcome Email.”
Your welcome email is the first email in your autoresponder series, and it is incredibly important because it sets the stage for the relationship you will have with your subscriber.
Screw it up, and you miss a huge opportunity to deliver value. Do it well, and they will know, like and trust you, with some of them becoming your customers.
Your Most Opened Email
Your welcome email is when your subscriber is most engaged with you and most likely to open your email.
For instance, here are three welcome emails from three different sequences I run and the open rates range from 77% – 91% which is pretty good.
So it’s essential to make a good impression from the start.
The Anatomy of a Welcome Email
There are three simple parts to a good welcome email.
- Delivering value with your lead magnet – You should have a good idea of what lead magnet you want to create after reading these articles.
- Introducing yourself and relating to your subscriber – This will always be slightly different based on your brand, industry, and personality.
- A call to action to further the relationship – I tend to ask my subscribers questions to get to know them better, but your situation may be different. The question you should ask yourself is “what do you want your subscribers to do that can help both of you the best.” I run an information business, so asking my subscribers to fill out a survey so I can create better content for them makes sense to me.
Welcome Email Script
Here’s a script you can use if you’re having trouble coming up with something to write.
Subject: Welcome to [Whatever your newsletter name is]/[Or the headline that is on your lead magnet page for consistency]
“Hi [Name] and welcome!
Thanks for signing up to [Newsletter name]
As promised, here is [Whatever you promised them when they signed up]
- Link to download lead magnet
Let us know what you think!
[One sentence about your brand/business/vision/mission]
[What can the subscriber expect from being on this list. What kind of emails will they be getting?]
We’d/I’d [depending on how you want to convey your organization] love to know more about you and how we can help you. Are you able to do us a quick favor before you leave?
If you could take 30 seconds to tell us a bit about yourself, please answer our survey so we can better serve you.
Here’s the link: URL [Or just ask them one important question if you don’t want to through the process of creating a survey yet]
Looking forward to knowing you better!
[Regards/Talk soon/Cheers/Cordially Yours/Live Long and Prosper/etc],
[Name of person in charge of email]”
In this case, the CTA is a survey, but it could be a call to action to schedule a call, a link to your most popular content or a product, but pushing too hard on the sale in your first email isn’t always applicable.
Your Turn
If you do anything to improve your email marketing this week, let it be writing a solid welcome email.
And if you want hands-on help with guaranteed results, I will be opening up applications to a select few people later this week. Let me know if you’re interested by contacting me here and I’ll send you the details.